Nittan’s NFU-Graphic-monitor (NFU-GM) software is an advanced re alarm management and warning system that provides building ready monitoring and software management solutions that allows a user to monitor remote sites from multiple operator workstations located anywhere in the world.
The software uses color-coded messages to annunciate device information. “Take Action” messages provide rst responders with speci c, real-time information about alarms at the site including notes about hazardous materials, vulnerable building occupants, and management contacts.
NFU-GM automatically detects devices, such as smoke detectors and heat detectors, and allows the user to easily place them onto the oor plan or map using a simple drag- and-dropfunction. Inaddition,itcompilesreal-timereports of alarms and events, exactly as they occur. With these reports and records, the user can reconstruct emergency events after the fact both to verify that the proper steps were taken, and to improve future responses.
Nittan’s NFU-GM addresses the need within today’s re monitoring system market for an easy-to-use remote monitoring system and an easy-to-use administrator configuration utility. The graphic software allows for monitored buildings to be presented in detailed 3-dimensional representations creating an aesthetically pleasing high quality monitoring and con guration system between administrators and their building establishments.
The modular architecture of NFU-GM allows for a exible, scalable and customized application and allows NFU-GM to adapt to the network panel size, traf c, available devices and existing circuits.
Nittan’s NFU-GM meets the enterprise needs for real- time networked re alarm monitoring. The combination of real-time re alarm monitoring and network access to remotely controlled re panels offers enterprises a unique, end-to-end network solution for more cost-effective security and remote operations management of building re monitoring systems.